Monday, 7 December 2015

What Does Success Looks Like To You

You may have a product or a service. The product or service may have an e-commerce setup, a brick-and mortar storefront, or a hybrid "click and brick model. It is fair to assume that whatever the case, what you really require is sales of your product or service. Sales are done on the order page of the e-commerce site or by salesperson in the store. The main job of the marketing team is to provide leads to the sales team. A typical digital marketing project may have one or more of the following goals.
  1.  Revenue
  2.  Branding
  3.  Lead Generation
  4.  Product or Service Sales
  5.  Website Visitor Conversions
  6.  Engagement
  7.  ROI - Return on Investment
The success criteria, however, would vary depending on the activities undertaken. For example, if engagement is a criterion for you, your best investment might be Facebook or LinkedIn, depending on your type of business.

For more on Marketing Strategy/Digital Marketing, attend a 3 day training on Marketing Strategy & Digital Marketing and become a certified marketing strategy associate and a certified digital marketing associate upon writing an international certification examination after the training. The training is scheduled as follows:
Date:  16th, 17th & 18th December, 2015
                        58, Opebi road, near salvation bus-stop, opebi ikeja lagos
Training fee: #20,000 (#50,000) (the fee is inclusive of training materials and certification exam, along with refreshments).
Enquiries: 08094001990, 07039028188,08162625986
                Register here


A combination of good strategy and poor execution is like a Ferrari with flat tires: it looks good in the specs, but fails on the street

Saturday, 5 December 2015

What is HR for?

HR is a source of expertise on people issues in a business. It is there to formulate policy and practice on people issues, to advise on the people aspects of organizational change and to take a people perspective identifying solutions to address the challenges the business faces. They function to maximize the contribution of people to delivery of the organization goals. They do this by,
  • building the people strategy
  • providing the framework of policies and procedures related to the employment of staff
  • providing the tools to do this effectively
  • providing guidance, support and advice on the effective implementation of the strategy, policies, procedures and tools.
For anyone who is already practicing HR in an organization, or you will like to pursue a career in HR or in a related people management profession, you are invited to a short course on HR & BUSINESS COMMUNICATION MANAGEMENT that is scheduled as follows:

Date: 7th(Monday) & 8th(Tuesday) of December 2015
           58, Opebi road, near salvation bus-stop, opebi ikeja lagos
Time:   10AM - 4PM.
Fee:   #20,000.
Enquiries: 08094001990, 08162625986, 07039028188

You can also apply here


Wednesday, 2 December 2015

PMB Corruption Crusade

In all fairness, Buhari is a man of integrity; he is upright. In his regime in 1983, the hallmark of his government was the war against corruption and indiscipline. Even though in an undemocratic way, he was able to do his best. He rode on the same credo to power this second time. I don't have anything against that. Whosoever is found wanting for corruption should be made to face the wrath of the law. But what i am against and our government is against is what we call selective war of persecution of some perceived opponents of government. Since the past six months, they have been picking up people for corruption , 99 percent of those individuals are of the PDP. Was that by accidents?
They stigmatize Jonathan's government and those who served in it as corrupt people. Who is a saint in APC? What do you say of people like EL-Rufai who served for eight years as Director-General of BPE that sold Nigeria? Today, because he is wearing the toga of APC, he is a saint. If Buhari wants to deal with people who ruined the economy, he should identify them in APC.
Corruption should not be fought on the basis of party platform. He should identify people that served and ruined the country regardless of where they belong. I make bold to say that majority of those people are in APC. 70 percent of APC governors were formerly in PDP. The same goes for the senators, House of Representatives members as well as the new ministers that have just been appointed. So, people who ruined the economy are in APC. They were formerly in PDP, but today, they are in APC. So, Buhari should pursue them.

excerpts from interview of  Dr. Abubakar Olanrewaju Sulaiman (the immediate past Minister/Deputy Chairman, National Planning Commission (NPC)

The quest for significance vs. selfish ambition

The search for meaning and significance should not be confused with personal ambitions for worldly success. Meaning fulfillment can be achieved only through knowing who we are and becoming what we are meant to be